HG Cloud Dynamic's Domain Rank is a measure of a domain's (and company's) worldwide popularity.
How is Domain Rank calculated?
HG Cloud Dynamic's Domain Rank leverages a combination of panel-based traffic data and link-based referral analysis to understand the popularity of a domain.
At a company level, HG Cloud Dynamic's Domain Rank considers all of the domains belonging to a company. All Domain Ranks are combined into a single company-level Domain Rank to provide the most accurate view of a company's overall application popularity.
How should I interpret a company's Domain Rank?
While Domain Rank represents online "popularity", another way to think of online popularity is as application traffic. Domain Rank represents the relative amount of traffic a company sees across all of its domains and applications. The largest Domain Rank is 1 and at the time of this writing, it is occupied by Google. The smallest Domain Rank is 30,000,000 but can expand as the number of company's and domain's in the Intricately dataset expand.
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