Welcome to the HG Insights Platform! Below you will find information on HG Insights & how to navigate.
HG Insights Platform – The HG Insights platform provides an unprecedented view into global industries, markets, and companies allowing you to identify the most valuable opportunities and build strategies to maximize your revenue and accelerate growth.
Powerful search and segmentation tools allow you to uncover market and industry trends, visualize competitive landscapes, and develop data-driven territory and account plans.
Product Overview – the platform brings together 3 core parts of HG technographics (IT Spend, Technology Install, and Contract Intelligence) to optimize territory plans, define the total addressable market, analyze competitive trends, and develop ideal customer profiles.
There are 3 categories of data available in the Platform:
- Spend View: Forward-looking 12 month projection of granular IT spend for over 140 categories to help you:
- Identify new logo opportunities
- Better compete
- Find effective partners
- Installed View: Billions of unique structured source files analyzed every day to deliver a unique view of the installed base of your prospects:
- Increase your win rate
- Gain an unfair advantage
- Better plan
- Contract View: The ability to view recent contracts from a company, announcing acquisitions, funding rounds, etc.
Searching in the HG Insights Platform – The platform allows you to navigate through 3 search experiences:
1) Company Search
For a specific company, users can search by:
* Company Name
* Address
* Location (Address, City, State)
* Corporate Role
* Status
2) Opportunity Generator
You can use this to run queries for companies that meet specific firmographic, IT spend, and technographic criteria. Users are able to create and combine granular filters.
3) Contract Search
You can access over 15,000 IT contracts using highly categorized filters that allow you to find the contracts most relevant to you. Search by:
* Announcement Date
* Contract Start Date
* Contract End Date
* Value
* Service Line
* Country
* Vendor
* Customer
4) Account Matching
The HG Platform allows you to upload your own company list to enrich existing account data. The Platform will provide you with a company match rate. It is important to set up your existing account list so that we are able to match the highest percentage of companies and enrich your CRM. Below are some best practices to ensure your success.
Matching Best Practices
We can only enrich and provide insights into the companies that we can match and clean the available data. HG Platform is not a data cleanser or deduping tool.
Below are our best practices for increasing your company match rates.
Data Formatting
- Remove blanks - We often see SF IDs with no other data that end up affecting match rates
- Remove comments in the company name cell
- Examples of this would be "(Old) Apple', 'Apple (Retired Account)', "Apple Inc (Prospect)' or 'Apple [Use This One]'
- Dedupe cells
- You will ultimately be the best judge as to which account record is the correct one
- Consider a third-party to cleanse the data and dedupe
- Create a single text string joining the Company Name with the Country. Then select the new column and use 'conditional formatting' > 'Highlight Cell Rules' > 'Duplicate Values'. This will give you an idea of how many accounts you have that are duplicates or
- To quickly surface which Companies or URL's you have duplicates of, create a PIVOT Table for the Count of URL's or Company Names provided for each URL or Company Name. This will quickly show you how many duplicates of each URL or Company Name is within your CRM / the matches provided.
- Remove abbreviations, for example
- Short company Names - Anything less than 5 characters will have a tough time matching ex. AMD for Advance Micro Devices
- Ticker symbols like 'AAPL' will also not match
- Look through the data and find abbreviated company names like "DMV" for Department of Motor Vehicles
- If you do not have a URL, consider using the domain of an email you have for the account
- Assuming the email is in cell A2, in a blank cell, place this formula =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND("@",A2))
- Check accounts for multiple URL duplicates
- When multiple accounts have incorrect URLs we will 'match' them. Some common examples include:
- Gmail.com
- Yahoo.com
- Facebook.com
- LinkedIn.com
- Ca.gov
- If you have this issue, please delete the URL. A blank is better than an incorrect URL
- Leverage the specific DUNS for the accounts and not the highest DUNS
- If you have multiple DUNS for an account, provide the DUNS that represents the accounts and not the Parent
Additional Considerations
- Consider only uploading GHQs and leave out subsidiaries
- SMB entities are more prone to having faulty data and can corrupt a match
- Consider uploading current active accounts
- Only export out of salesforce accounts that have been worked on in the past 5 years
If you have tried all of the above and still have a low match rate, here are some reasons for a low/incorrect match:
- China/Russia Accounts
- Accounts in these countries are difficult to match to due to low visibility
- Old or incorrect DUNS
- DUNS numbers can change with acquisitions
- Missing 1 or more of the following data points: URL, Country, Company Name or DUNS
- This can lead to an 'uplift' or a non-matched account
- Incorrect Spelling / Bad data
- Accounts are sub $5M in revenue
- Accounts that are out of business
- We do not track the account within our Platform
Viewing Companies – organized into 4 tabs: Summary, Spend, Install, and Contract
Summary: contains basic firmographic intelligence such as company description, location, industry, annual revenue, number of employees, and corporate structure
Spend: allows users to see granular IT spend for a specific company
5 levels of spend intelligence:
- Overall, External/Internal, Category, Segment, Sub-Segment
Install: Users get access to the tech stack of an organization – the ability to see tools and services a company uses, which vendors are most established, and which are emerging
Contract: the contract view will show all relevant contracts that HG has for that company
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